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1   //, created Mon Feb  5 23:23:19 2001 by joewhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2001-3 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package joeq.Allocator;
6   import java.util.Iterator;
7   import java.util.List;
8   import java.util.SortedMap;
9   import java.util.TreeMap;
10  import joeq.Class.PrimordialClassLoader;
11  import joeq.Class.jq_BytecodeMap;
12  import joeq.Class.jq_Class;
13  import joeq.Class.jq_CompiledCode;
14  import joeq.Class.jq_InstanceField;
15  import joeq.Class.jq_Method;
16  import joeq.Class.jq_StaticField;
17  import joeq.Class.jq_TryCatch;
18  import joeq.Memory.Address;
19  import joeq.Memory.CodeAddress;
20  import joeq.Runtime.ExceptionDeliverer;
22  /***
23   * This class provides the abstract interface for code allocators.  A code
24   * allocator handles the allocation and management of code buffers.
25   *
26   * It also provides static methods for keeping track of the compiled methods and
27   * their address ranges.
28   * 
29   * It also includes an inner class that provides the interface for code buffers.
30   *
31   * @author  John Whaley <>
32   * @version $Id: 1941 2004-09-30 03:37:06Z joewhaley $
33   */
34  public abstract class CodeAllocator {
36      /*** Trace flag. */
37      public static /*final*/ boolean TRACE = false;
39      /***
40       * Initialize this code allocator.  This method is always called before the
41       * code allocator is actually used.
42       */
43      public abstract void init();
45      /***
46       * Allocate a code buffer of the given estimated size, such that the given
47       * offset will have the given alignment.
48       * It is legal for code to exceed the estimated size, but the cost may be
49       * high (i.e. it may require recopying of the buffer.)
50       *
51       * @param estimatedSize  estimated size, in bytes, of desired code buffer
52       * @param offset  desired offset to align to
53       * @param alignment  desired alignment, or 0 if don't care
54       * @return  the new code buffer
55       */
56      public abstract x86CodeBuffer getCodeBuffer(int estimatedSize,
57                                                  int offset,
58                                                  int alignment);
60      /***
61       * Patch the given address to refer to the other given address, in
62       * absolute terms.  This is used to patch heap address references in the
63       * code, and code references in the heap.
64       *
65       * @param addr1  address to patch
66       * @param addr2  address to patch to
67       */
68      public abstract void patchAbsolute(Address addr1,
69                                         Address addr2);
71      /***
72       * Patch the given code address to refer to the given code address, in
73       * relative terms.  This is used to patch branch targets in the code.
74       *
75       * @param code  code address to patch
76       * @param target  code address to patch to
77       */
78      public abstract void patchRelativeOffset(CodeAddress code,
79                                               CodeAddress target);
81      /***
82       * This class provides the interface for x86 code buffers.
83       * These code buffers are used to store generated x86 code.
84       * After the code is generated, use the allocateCodeBlock method to obtain
85       * a jq_CompiledCode object.
86       */
87      public abstract static class x86CodeBuffer {
89          /***
90           * Returns the current offset in this code buffer.
91           * @return  current offset
92           */
93          public abstract int getCurrentOffset();
95          /***
96           * Returns the current address in this code buffer.
97           * @return  current address
98           */
99          public abstract CodeAddress getStartAddress();
101         /***
102          * Returns the current address in this code buffer.
103          * @return  current address
104          */
105         public abstract CodeAddress getCurrentAddress();
107         /***
108          * Sets the current address as the entrypoint to this code buffer.
109          */
110         public abstract void setEntrypoint();
112         /***
113          * Adds one byte to the end of this code buffer.  Offset/address
114          * increase by 1.
115          * @param i  the byte to add
116          */
117         public abstract void add1(byte i);
119         /***
120          * Adds two bytes (little-endian) to the end of this code buffer.
121          * Offset/address increase by 2.
122          * @param i  the little-endian value to add
123          */
124         public abstract void add2_endian(int i);
126         /***
127          * Adds two bytes (big-endian) to the end of this code buffer.
128          * Offset/address increase by 2.
129          * @param i  the big-endian value to add
130          */
131         public abstract void add2(int i);
133         /***
134          * Adds three bytes (big-endian) to the end of this code buffer.
135          * Offset/address increase by 3.
136          * @param i  the big-endian value to add
137          */
138         public abstract void add3(int i);
140         /***
141          * Adds four bytes (little-endian) to the end of this code buffer.
142          * Offset/address increase by 4.
143          * @param i  the little-endian value to add
144          */
145         public abstract void add4_endian(int i);
147         /***
148          * Gets the byte at the given offset in this code buffer.
149          * 
150          * @param k  offset of byte to return
151          * @return  byte at given offset
152          */
153         public abstract byte get1(int k);
155         /***
156          * Gets the (little-endian) 4 bytes at the given offset in this
157          * code buffer.
158          * 
159          * @param k  offset of little-endian 4 bytes to return
160          * @return  little-endian 4 bytes at given offset
161          */
162         public abstract int get4_endian(int k);
164         /***
165          * Sets the byte at the given offset to the given value.
166          * @param k  offset of byte to set
167          * @param instr  value to set it to
168          */
169         public abstract void put1(int k, byte instr);
171         /***
172          * Sets the 4 bytes at the given offset to the given (little-endian)
173          * value.
174          * @param k  offset of 4 bytes to set
175          * @param instr  little-endian value to set it to
176          */
177         public abstract void put4_endian(int k, int instr);
179         public abstract void skip(int nbytes);
181         /***
182          * Uses the code in this buffer, along with the arguments, to create
183          * a jq_CompiledCode object.  Call this method after you are done
184          * generating code, and actually want to use it.
185          * 
186          * @param m  Java method of this code block, or null if none
187          * @param ex  exception handler table, or null if none
188          * @param bcm  bytecode map, or null if none
189          * @param x  exception deliverer to use for this code, or null if none
190          * @param stackframesize  size of stack frame in bytes
191          * @param codeRelocs  list of code relocations for this code buffer, or
192          *                     null if none
193          * @param dataRelocs  list of data relocations for this code buffer, or
194          *                     null if none
195          * @return  a new jq_CompiledCode object for the code
196          */
197         public abstract jq_CompiledCode allocateCodeBlock(jq_Method m,
198                                                           jq_TryCatch[] ex,
199                                                           jq_BytecodeMap bcm,
200                                                           ExceptionDeliverer x,
201                                                           int stackframesize,
202                                                           List codeRelocs,
203                                                           List dataRelocs);
204     }
206     /*** Map of compiled methods, sorted by address. */
207     public static final SortedMap compiledMethods;
209     /***
210      * Address range of compiled code.  Code outside of this range cannot be
211      * generated by us.
212      */
213     private static CodeAddress lowAddress, highAddress;
214     static {
215         compiledMethods = new TreeMap();
216     }
218     public static void initializeCompiledMethodMap() {
219         lowAddress = (CodeAddress) CodeAddress.getNull().offset(0x7FFFFFFF);
220         highAddress = CodeAddress.getNull();
221         jq_CompiledCode cc = new jq_CompiledCode(null, highAddress, 0, highAddress,
222                                                  null, null, null, 0, null, null);
223         compiledMethods.put(cc, cc);
224     }
226     /***
227      * Register the given compiled code, so lookups by address will return
228      * this code.
229      *
230      * @param cc  compiled code to register
231      */
232     public static void registerCode(jq_CompiledCode cc) {
233         if (TRACE) System.out.println("Registering code: " + cc);
234         if (lowAddress == null || cc.getStart().difference(lowAddress) < 0)
235             lowAddress = cc.getStart();
236         if (highAddress == null || highAddress.difference(cc.getStart().offset(cc.getLength())) < 0)
237             highAddress = (CodeAddress)cc.getStart().offset(cc.getLength());
238         compiledMethods.put(cc, cc);
239     }
241     /***
242      * Return the compiled code which contains the given code address.
243      * Returns null if there is no registered code that contains the
244      * given address.
245      *
246      * @param ip  code address to check
247      * @return  compiled code containing given address, or null
248      */
249     public static jq_CompiledCode getCodeContaining(CodeAddress ip) {
250         InstructionPointer iptr = new InstructionPointer(ip);
251         return (jq_CompiledCode) compiledMethods.get(iptr);
252     }
254     /***
255      * Returns the lowest address of any registered code.
256      * @return  lowest address of any registered code.
257      */
258     public static CodeAddress getLowAddress() { return lowAddress; }
259     /***
260      * Returns the highest address of any registered code.
261      * @return  highest address of any registered code.
262      */
263     public static CodeAddress getHighAddress() { return highAddress; }
265     /***
266      * Returns an iterator of the registered jq_CompiledCode objects, in
267      * address order.
268      * @return  iterator of jq_CompiledCode objects
269      */
270     public static Iterator/*<jq_CompiledCode>*/ getCompiledMethods() {
271         Iterator i = compiledMethods.keySet().iterator();
272; // skip bogus compiled code
273         return i;
274     }
276     /***
277      * Returns the number of registered jq_CompiledCode objects.
278      * @return  number of registered jq_CompiledCode objects
279      */
280     public static int getNumberOfCompiledMethods() {
281         return compiledMethods.keySet().size() - 1;  // skip bogus compiled code
282     }
284     /***
285      * An object of this class represents a code address.
286      * It can be compared with a jq_CompiledCode object with compareTo and
287      * equals.  They are equal if the InstructionPointer points within the
288      * range of the compiled code; the InstructionPointer is less if it is
289      * before the start address of the compiled code; the InstructionPointer
290      * is less if it is after the end address of the compiled code.
291      */
292     public static class InstructionPointer implements Comparable {
294         /*** The (actual) address. */
295         private final CodeAddress ip;
297         /***
298          * Create a new instruction pointer.
299          * @param ip  instruction pointer value
300          */
301         public InstructionPointer(CodeAddress ip) { this.ip = ip; }
303         /***
304          * Extract the address of this instruction pointer.
305          * @return  address of this instruction pointer
306          */
307         public CodeAddress getIP() { return ip; }
309         /***
310          * Compare this instruction pointer to a compiled code object.
311          * @param that  compiled code to compare against
312          * @return  -1 if this ip comes before the given code, 0 if it is
313          *           inside the given code, 1 if it is after the given code
314          */
315         public int compareTo(jq_CompiledCode that) {
316             CodeAddress ip = this.getIP();
317             CodeAddress start = that.getStart();
318             if (start.difference(ip) >= 0) return -1;
319             if (start.offset(that.getLength()).difference(ip) < 0) return 1;
320             return 0;
321         }
323         /***
324          * Compare this instruction pointer to another instruction pointer.
325          * @param that  instruction pointer to compare against
326          * @return  -1 if this ip is before the given ip, 0 if it is equal
327          *           to the given ip, 1 if it is after the given ip
328          */
329         public int compareTo(InstructionPointer that) {
330             if (this.ip.difference(that.ip) < 0) return -1;
331             if (this.ip.difference(that.ip) > 0) return 1;
332             return 0;
333         }
335         /***
336          * Compares this instruction pointer to the given object
337          * (InstructionPointer or jq_CompiledCode)
338          * @param that  object to compare to
339          * @return  -1 if this is less than, 0 if this is equal, 1 if this
340          *           is greater than
341          */
342         public int compareTo(java.lang.Object that) {
343             if (that instanceof jq_CompiledCode)
344                 return compareTo((jq_CompiledCode) that);
345             else
346                 return compareTo((InstructionPointer) that);
347         }
349         /***
350          * Returns true if this instruction pointer refers to a location
351          * within the given compiled code, false otherwise.
352          * @param that  compiled code to compare to
353          * @return  true if the instruction pointer is within, false otherwise
354          */
355         public boolean equals(jq_CompiledCode that) {
356             CodeAddress ip = this.getIP();
357             CodeAddress start = that.getStart();
358             if (ip.difference(start) < 0) return false;
359             if (ip.difference(start.offset(that.getLength())) > 0)
360                 return false;
361             return true;
362         }
364         /***
365          * Returns true if this instruction pointer refers to the same location
366          * as the given instruction pointer, false otherwise.
367          * @param that  instruction pointer to compare to
368          * @return  true if the instruction pointers are equal, false otherwise
369          */
370         public boolean equals(InstructionPointer that) {
371             return this.ip.difference(that.ip) == 0;
372         }
374         /***
375          * Compares this instruction pointer with the given object
376          * (InstructionPointer or jq_CompiledCode).
377          * @param that  object to compare with
378          * @return  true if these objects are equal, false otherwise
379          */
380         public boolean equals(Object that) {
381             if (that instanceof jq_CompiledCode)
382                 return equals((jq_CompiledCode) that);
383             else
384                 return equals((InstructionPointer) that);
385         }
387         /***
388          * Returns the hash code of this instruction pointer.
389          * This is a really bad implementation (just returns 0), and
390          * should not be counted on.
391          * @return  hash code
392          */
393         public int hashCode() { return 0; }
395         public static final jq_InstanceField _ip;
396         static {
397             jq_Class k = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType("Ljoeq/Allocator/CodeAllocator$InstructionPointer;");
398             _ip = k.getOrCreateInstanceField("ip", "I");
399         }
400     }
402     public static final jq_Class _class;
403     public static final jq_StaticField _lowAddress;
404     public static final jq_StaticField _highAddress;
405     public static final jq_StaticField _compiledMethods;
406     static {
407         _class = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType("Ljoeq/Allocator/CodeAllocator;");
408         _lowAddress = _class.getOrCreateStaticField("lowAddress", "Ljoeq/Memory/CodeAddress;");
409         _highAddress = _class.getOrCreateStaticField("highAddress", "Ljoeq/Memory/CodeAddress;");
410         _compiledMethods = _class.getOrCreateStaticField("compiledMethods", "Ljava/util/SortedMap;");
411     }
412 }